Buy Clenbuterol UK | Anabolic Centre

Though Clenbuterol is not at all an anabolic steroid chemical, there are still good effects that bodybuilders and athletes use during their PCT. This medication’s main purpose is to burn fat and to keep muscle at the same lean level after a steroid cycle. Clenbuterol taken correctly can make an integral part of your PCT; it will help you retain hard-won muscle mass while losing unnecessary body fat. Buy Clenbuterol Online in the Anabolic Centre and Get Ready for the Best Post-Cycle Therapy.

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Why Use Clenbuterol During PCT

Your body, post-steroid cycle, requires rest and rejuvenation by regaining its lost capability to secrete natural hormones. The problem faced by most athletes during this period is how to retain muscle mass without adding fat. This is where Clenbuterol can be particularly useful. People buy Clenbuterol in UK because it allows you to keep that muscle that you have gained during your cycle and cut down on excess body fat.

How to Use Clenbuterol During PCT

This compound is often run in a 2-week on, 2-week off cycle to prevent adaptation of the body - given that clenbuterol may lose effectiveness if it becomes too familiar to the system. A typical starting point for dosage would be 20-40 mcg per day and go as high as 120-140 mcg per day based on your comfort level and goals. Monitor your body, and adjust as necessary to negate side effects.

Possible Side Effects

Though generally effective, Clenbuterol comes with the following potential side effects:

  • Tachycardia: Clenbuterol may be the cause of rapid heartbeats, which could get uncomfortable or even dangerous for some users.
  • Tremors: Some users shake or tremble in their hands upon using Clenbuterol. 
  • Insomnia: Clenbuterol possesses stimulant properties, which are in opposition to the natural ability of being able to sleep.
  • Muscle Cramps: This is another common side effect of Clenbuterol and can usually be prevented or minimized through proper hydration and taking steroids with taurine.

Buy Clenbuterol from the Anabolic Centre

At Anabolic Centre, we offer the best Clenbuterol at high grades for use in any cycle of a PCT. When you purchase Clenbuterol from Anabolic Centre, you can rest easy knowing you have procured a top-quality, safe, and effective product. Our customer service team is on hand to adequately satisfy all queries you may have about introducing Clenbuterol to your PCT. Take the next step in your fitness game with confidence buy clenbuterol online today.